Starting Point Registration

Start 3/22/25, 5:00-8:00 pm | In the past, UUFCC has offered UU 101 as a preparatory class to membership. We are transitioning to a new program called Starting Point which offers an opportunity to learn about the Fellowship and build community and then offers a chance to become a member after you get to know the Fellowship.

The “UU path” is central to Starting Point. Inspired by the classic UU slogan, “deeds not creeds,” we
present Unitarian Universalism as a particular way of journeying through the world rather than a set of
beliefs to which one assents.

These two sessions will invite you to share your individual spiritual journeys and also discover the historical journey of Unitarian Universalism and our congregation. We hope you will join us whether you are new to UUFCC or have journeyed with us for years!

Session 1 - Mar 22, 5-8 pm
Session 2 - Mar 30, 11:30 am - 12:45 pm

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Start 3/22/25, 5:00-8:00 pm
In the past, UUFCC has offered UU 101 as a preparatory class to membership. We are transitioning to a new program called Starting Point which offers an opportunity to learn about the Fellowship and build community and then offers a chance to become a member after you get to know the Fellowship.

The “UU path” is central to Starting Point. Inspired by the classic UU slogan, “deeds not creeds,” we
present Unitarian Universalism as a particular way of journeying through the world rather than a set of
beliefs to which one assents.

These two sessions will invite you to share your individual spiritual journeys and also discover the historical journey of Unitarian Universalism and our congregation. We hope you will join us whether you are new to UUFCC or have journeyed with us for years!

Session 1 - Mar 22, 5-8 pm
Session 2 - Mar 30, 11:30 am - 12:45 pm

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